Friday, November 14, 2014

The Use of Cell Phones in Schools

Recently, it has come to the attention of the New York schooling system that cell phones are popularly used in schools during classes. This leaves the question; Will other states follow? As goes with most problems that spread across the nation (and just anywhere), it takes the single push or action of one for the others to follow. Since New York made it mandatory to restrict cell phones, I wonder what states may follow next. If other states do follow,, what will they do?
 In my opinion, cell phones are a great part of school.. only to some degree however. In today's world, cell phones have evolved from only communication via the cell phone provider but also through social media and anything else internet based. Because of the internet access phones have, they become a great advantage for learning methods and whatnot. Not only, as apps also provide outreach to students in teaching, and reminders to do homework or check what the homework may or may not be.
Having said, it is my opinion that school should allow cell phone use to continue with appropriate use, so long as they do not disrupt classes or any other student. They really can be great tools, but unfortunately "WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY"

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I feel that cellphones can be useful in the classroom , teachers should find a way to uset technology in their teaching to make learning more interesting for kids . I think cellphones arent a distraction as long as the volume isn't too loud are preventing other students from doing their work . Most of the time when kids are on their phone during class they arent bothering anyone . However , there should be a balance . I understand that teachers think that student aren't paying attention to them or listening to them because they are on theyr phones . What teachers dont know is that some kids , Like myself can multi task and be on my phone and listen to the teacher at the same time .

cellphones in classrooms

teachers fuse about students having their cellphones out. my personal opinion is as long as the cell phone doesn't disturb the classroom or any of the students a student should be able to use his or her phone. teachers complain that the student doesn't pay attention to them if the student on the phone. i on the other hand can multitask, my phone does not break my concentration from the task at hand if i'm on my phone. if the teacher is talking and i am on my phone i would hear them. i can not only concentrate on my phone but concentrate on my words of my teacher. i believe its all about what the students want to participate and concentrate on. we have the ears to listen and eyes to watch. its all about what grasp our attention at the time.   

Friday, October 31, 2014

My biggest fear growing up was almost drowing in my cousins pool  when i was 7. They had a cookout so i went to partisipate. I remember meeting my cousin Deandre for the first time and we both was in the pool in floaties. I kept jumping off the ladder back in the pool repeatly. About the 6th time i went through the float to standing at the bottom of the pool alone. I didnt panick i didnt even know i was drowing!!! So im just looking around and eveyybodys getting out the pool while im stuck at the bottom of it walking. My mother was inside the house cooking so she was unaware. Next thing i know was being the only person in a four feet pool alone stuck at the bottom. Next thing i know my uncle Keith dived in the pool to rescue me. Out of all the adults in the cookout he was the only one to save me from drowing. I over came this fear of drowing was never to be able to get myself in that situation so in the same pool i almost drowned in i learned how to swim.